How can i make sure my home stays dust-free after completing my spring deep cleaning?

Try these 8 essential tricks: Remove dust with microfiber cloths. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter weekly. Invest in an air purifier (and place it properly). Tidy up and reduce the consumption of trinkets and textiles.

Prepare your pets in an easy-to-clean space. It's time to dust off, and we've got 20 expert tips to help you. House dust is persistent, frustrating, and also incredibly common. But how the hell do you deal with it? Don't worry, even though dust sometimes seems to be a difficult problem to solve, there are some proven ways to keep dust in your home under control.

And while we can't promise you a completely dust-free home forever (no one can, sorry), we do have 20 tips that will go a long way to preventing and reducing all that household dust so that you and your family can breathe better. This is what you've come to avoid. But like a living human being that breathes, with hair and dead skin cells, that comes out and brings the outside in. There's no way to stop some dust from being generated, and the best way to prevent it from becoming a problem is, well, to dust it off.

Lucky for you, we have plenty of guides on how to remove dust. First piece of advice? Go from top to bottom so you don't create more work for yourself and use tools to make it easier, such as the Swiffer Dusters Heavy Duster Super Extender. That thing even makes cleaning the ceiling fan a breeze. But keep reading for our best tips for keeping dust at bay and making the dusting part a little easier every time.

Another great option? The Swiffer Sweep + vacuum, which combines the power of a vacuum cleaner and a Swiffer. That dust will never know what hit it. Vacuuming weekly is a GREAT starting point. Because even the most powerful vacuum will bypass some of that dust.

Enter the old and faithful mop, which is a fairly unbeatable second line of defense. Opt for a wet mop; a dry one will do an excellent job of pushing out the dust, but a much worse one at trapping it. Your carpets, like your floors, see a lot of dust. However, the difference with rugs is that all of those fibers are exceptionally good at trapping that dust.

This means that you'll want to go over your carpets (especially those with a lot of foot traffic) a few more times with the vacuum than with hard floors. It also means that you might want to vacuum high-traffic areas more than once a week. Another good idea is to take the rugs outside to shake and shake them once or twice a month, as well as professionally clean them once a year. Well, do you dust every other surface in your house as often as you dust your floors? No? Well, yes, that could be the problem.

And, as with rugs, taking out your cushions and pillows (and, if you can, furniture) outside and shake and shake them once every one to two months, will go a long way to keeping house dust at bay. You (hopefully) spend many hours in your bed every night, which means your bed linen is covered in sweat, skin cells, hair, and any common dirt or grime you bring to bed when you get in at night. All of that is basically dust in the making. Not to mention that the fibers in the fabric of bed linen can also contribute to house dust.

Even if the dust particles are tiny, gravity still applies to them. You don't want to spend all that time and energy cleaning your floors only to find that they're covered by a new layer of dust after cleaning your shelves. We have a lot more tips for dusting where does that come from?. If you clean your floors and dust weekly, wash your carpets with shampoo, and basically do everything right, but you still find that you can't control your home dust problem, it might be time to buy an air purifier.

While routine cleaning really helps prevent dust from becoming a big problem, a certain amount of dust is likely to go through the vacuum, mop, microfiber cloths, etc. If you have allergies or just can't bear to keep windows closed when the weather is nice, an air purifier can be a complete game-changer. It may seem like a small thing, but seriously, doormats help minimize the amount of dirt and dust that enters your home. Shoes see a lot of dirt and dust.

And that means they accumulate a lot of dirt and dust in your home. If you don't already have a policy of not wearing shoes inside the house, consider trying one. An added advantage? You can finally justify buying those comfortable slippers you've put on your eye. We love dogs as much as anyone else, but unfortunately, pets are often the main contributors of dust in the home.

Bathing and brushing your furry friends regularly can do wonders for your home's air quality. Try to prepare Fido outdoors to prevent all the dandruff and dust you shake from entering the house; if that's not possible, place some old towels or newspapers on the floor so that you can contain the dirt and clean them easily afterwards. Textiles don't just trap and hide dust; their fibers also help produce it. So, instead of buying that nice decorative pillow or blanket to add to your collection, consider if it's time to try a more minimalist aesthetic.

Those little trinkets that have been stored forgotten in the corner of your spare room for years? They're definitely dust magnets. Take time each week or so to check, dust, and move any items you have in your house; this will help prevent dust from accumulating on them. A simple guide to cleaning your TV screen for a dust-free and scratch-free viewing experience. Summer cleaning checklist with 10 time-saving tips.

If you have a rug, you'll really want a professional to deep clean it once a year (maybe twice a year if you have pets). Whether you opt for steam cleaning or a dry vacuum, regular cleaning of your textiles is a must for a dust-free home. Twice a year, make sure you wash your pillows, as they accumulate dead skin cells while you sleep and, for the same reason, it also deeply cleanses the mattress. And if you have an outdoor condenser unit, clean it thoroughly every spring to remove pollen and lint from the poplar tree.


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